Meet the Precor Master Coaches: Omar Castillo

Personal Training

Meet the Precor Master Coaches: Omar Castillo

My name is Omar Castillo. I was born in Mexico, and I live in Mexico City. For more than a decade, I’ve been helping people as a personal trainer to achieve their health goals at Sport City, Mexico’s largest fitness chain. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience through my role as an instructor for RTS®, Muscle Activation Techniques™ and now, as a Precor Master Coach. I also hold the distinction of being the only foot and hand M.A.T.-RX™ Certified Practitioner in my country.



Precor has more than 50 Master Coaches in 20 countries around the world. These Master Coaches deliver workshops on Precor equipment, develop curriculum for new onsite training courses, contribute to our blogs, and provide premier coaching at tradeshows and events. Our “Meet the Precor Master Coaches” blog series highlights different members of our global team, giving you the chance to get to know them. Enjoy!

What got you into fitness?

Life. Sometimes you stay focused on studying for a degree and realize that your destiny has to do with sharing and helping people achieve their goals.

How many years have you been involved in the fitness industry?

Over 10 years – I started playing football at college and never stopped!

What fitness certifications do you hold?

  • Resistance Training Specialist Master and instructor
  • Muscle Activation Techniques Rx and instructor
  • Reebok Core Training
  • Reebok Cycle
  • AFFA
  • NSCA Symposium
  • Entrenador Personal nivel 1 and instructor (Sport City)
  • Entrenador Personal nivel 2 and instructor (Sport City)
  • Entrenamiento de Suspensión and instructor (Sport City)
  • FNS1 / Force and the nervous system 1
  • FNS2 / Force and the nervous system 2
  • Cadaver Anatomy

Why did you want to be a Precor Master Coach?

Because I believe that everyone should be doing exercise in their lives, and that Precor, as a world leader, can help to change habits and lifestyles all around the world.

What is your favorite piece of Precor equipment and why?

I like the AMT and Precor treadmills. The treadmills are great because I had the opportunity to learn about the inner systems, and the feeling while running on them is solid and very comfortable. I like the AMT due to the different variations and progression that can be achieved.

What is your favorite move to do on Queenax equipment?

The lunge on the bar, but I would love to try the balance board.

What’s your favorite personal fitness story or memory?

When I realized that we never stop learning, and read a quote that says “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.”

Tell us about a time you were able to help a client reach and/or exceed his or her fitness goals.

I was doing personal training within a process called “Power Camp”; this offers aggressive changes in a 3-month program. My client was very skeptical about it because she had tried everything to lose weight: going to the doctor, diet changes, pills, etc. I was able to help her change not just her lifestyle but her personal relationships also. She got married, and evolved and grew at her work. It was a challenge to inspire and make her realize that it is a process and she had to engage a lifestyle, not just a temporary change.

What’s your favorite fitness mantra?

I have two: "Never give up, never look down…" "Exercise is about commitment, not motivation…"

What’s your favorite movie (fitness-related or not)?

"Jerry Maguire" and "Any Given Sunday."

Give us a random fun fact about yourself!

During the Precor training, instead of saying AMT, I said ‘ATM’. Now, I always have a picture of somebody training on an ATM!

For more information on AMT Team Fit, contact Precor sales or reach out to [email protected]. Learn about our other Precor Master Coaches here.

Author Information

Katie Alleven
Katie Alleven's picture

Katie is a self-proclaimed food connoisseur who loves playing in the great outdoors, traveling, and learning new things.

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 05/05/2014 - 12:48