Grow Your Personal Training Business with Small Group Training

Personal Training

Grow Your Personal Training Business with Small Group Training

Functional small group training is going to continue to grow in popularity going into 2016 and understanding the needs and demands of personal trainers is important when presenting compelling training services to your customers.

Erica Tillinghast, Precor Global Education Manager, MS, BA and NASM certified personal trainer, shares her perspective on why functional training systems are a great investment that can help grow your personal training business.

1) Grow Your Income

Small group training is one of the most compelling ways to grow your personal training business.

It can reduce your clients' hourly rates so they can afford to train with you for longer, while also increasing your own hourly income because you get to work with multiple clients simultaneously. Using small group training as part of your personal training mix lets you engage with a wider member base in your club and grow your client funnel. It even provides a marketing opportunity by helping clients better understand the value a personal trainer, which can lead to continued engagement in small group settings or conversion into a one-on-one client.

2) Develop Small Group Coaching Skills

Personal training certifications typically teach us how to be great one-on-one coaches, but working with multiple clients at the same time requires an entirely new skillset.

Training on a functional training system like Queenax will allow you to grow your skills. First, you can focus sharpening your "class format" session skills, where you coach one exercise for the entire group, and as your skillset improves, you can transition to leading true circuit formats, where every client is performing a different exercise. When you develop your skills, everyone wins.

3) New Tools Require Coaching

To get the most out of an unfamiliar tool, clients typically turn to online resources like YouTube or ask a fitness professional for tips. Online resources provide a great starting point, but those videos don’t necessarily show what the right movement or progression is for each individual. New tools like functional training systems present a great opportunity for us to show the value we can provide.

4) New Tools Are Fun for Everyone

We need to keep our clients engaged, while learning and growing our abilities. Clients come to see us for results, motivation and training variety. To keep clients for the long term, we need to regularly introduce new tools and training methods that will get them excited for each session.

5) Adaptable Workout Space

When I train clients, I need to make the most of every minute of a session.

I like transitioning my clients from one exercise to the next and incorporating a variety of equipment and drills (sprints, bodyweight exercises, suspension, kettlebells, etc.) to maximize their workouts. Queenax is great because there is so much I can do on and within the training system, and I can even clear away all of the stations and just use the floor for certain sets. Having the flexibility to change up a workout gives my clients variety and keeps exercise fun.

Author Information

Erica Tillinghast
Erica Tillinghast's picture

Erica Tillinghast is the Global Education Manager for Precor. Over the last 15 years Erica has worked as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, performing artist, product developer, and master coach.  Erica specializes in fitness product education, business development, network building and curriculum design. She travels globally as an educator, coach, and industry presenter, and has authored and contributed to more than 20 continuing education courses adopted on six continents. She holds an MS in Exercise Science and Health Promotion, and is a certified Personal Trainer, 3D MAPS, and an NASM Group Personal Training Specialist.

Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 01/22/2016 - 17:15