4 Ways Personal Trainers Can Spring Clean Their Clients' Routines
Personal Training
4 Ways Personal Trainers Can Spring Clean Their Clients' Routines
Even diligent exercisers often become bored with their workouts – can you imagine how personal trainers must feel? Not only do personal trainers need to keep their clients engaged and motivated, but they need to keep themselves interested.
If you're a trainer, this isn't news to you. And with the turning seasons come new opportunities to retool, or spring clean, the workouts of your clients. Here are four ideas for you to push winter from your clients' minds and fully embrace the warmth and freedom spring and summer bring.
1. Change the environment
Yes, your clients are coming to get their workout done in the gym. But after months of largely chilling temperatures across the country, tell your clients to get a little sun when possible, whether it's taking a stroll around the office at lunchtime or getting in an early morning run.
2. Develop an obstacle course
For clients you meet with more than once per week, propose taking a day to meet outside for a fresh outdoor exercise session.
Consider visiting a local park or nature preserve. They will doubtless have the space and seclusion to allow for a challenging obstacle course. As a trainer, you can either work with what nature provides or augment the topography and trails with inspirations of their own.
3. Give workouts a theme
A theme is a great way for hitting all of your training KPIs while keeping exercisers engaged and enthusiastic. For example, have a movie training sequence theme where you borrow various scenes from famous movies – consider the “Rocky” stairs, the push-ups of GI Jane or the Footloose cardio barn dance.
4. Jam to a fun playlist
As you hopefully know, we love a good playlist at Precor. The turning of the seasons is an ideal time to dust off your fair-weather favorites and throw them together with some literal motivation – think “These Boots are Made for Walking” by Nancy Sinatra, “(Let’s Get) Physical” by Olivia Newton-John, and Whitney Houston’s classic “Run to Me.”
How are you changing up your routine this season? Please share your tips and tricks in the comments!