Ride Through Conditioning Barriers with the Assault AirBike
Ride Through Conditioning Barriers with the Assault AirBike
Do you want a better method of conditioning? Do you want to be able to push through those barriers and keep moving when your legs are screaming, you are gasping for breath, and that little voice in the back of your head is telling you to stop? The Assault AirBike can provide the solution. The benefits of training on the Assault AirBike are vast, but can be simplified into 5 categories:
- Training on the AirBike requires very little instruction to be effective.
- Train the upper and lower body simultaneously promoting a greater metabolic response.
- Experience low impact on joints, making it ideal for use among individuals recovering from injury.
- Performance can be measured easily in distance, calories, wattage, RPMs, or heart rate and can be systematically modified to change the training response.
- Control the intensity of your workout, making it as challenging as you want it to be.
Here are a few samples of the many interval programs available for ues with the Assault Airbike. These workouts are meant to add variety to your traditional conditioning and give you options to spice things up.
*Note that each workout should be preceded by a 5-10 min warm up and followed by a cool down.
1:1 Work Rest: Most athletes will start with a 15 second max-out interval followed by 15 second recovery interval. Try to perform this work/rest interval for 15 minutes followed by a 5 minute cool down. Record the number of calories measured by the AirBike and try to increase maximum calorie burn with each workout. Perform this 2-3 times a week (never back to back days) and increase the work time by 5 minutes every 2 weeks until you can complete this workout for 30 minutes. Once you can reach 30 minutes, transition to 30 seconds max-out interval followed by a 30 second recovery for 15 minutes. Then increase by 5 minutes every 2 weeks. The goal is to work up to 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off for 30 minutes.
Increasing/Decreasing Time Ladder: 15 seconds maximum effort followed by a 15 second recovery then go to a 30 second max effort followed by a 30 second recovery. Increase by 15 seconds each interval until you cannot maintain intensity (this is normally set by your RPM in your first and second intervals). Once your RPMs start to decrease then start going back down the ladder. It might look like this:
- :15 on :15 off
- :30 on :30 off
- :45 on :45 off
- 1:00 on 1:00 off
- 1:15 on 1:15 off
- 1:30 on 1:30 off
- 1:15 on 1:15 off
- 1:00 on 1:00 off...etc.
This provides some variety and allows you to set a goal of trying to keep the RPMs above a minimum each session.
Increasing/Decreasing RPM Ladder: Male athletes will typically start with 50 RPMs and Female Athletes will typically start with 40 RPMs. You must maintain those RPMs for 1 minute and then go up a minimum of 10 RPMs for the next minute. Increase until you cannot hold the minimum RPMs for that minute. Once that happens, then decrease your RPMs by 10 for the next minute and work back down the ladder. Typically, you will go up and down the ladder twice.
Fixed Calories: Use the AirBike as fast as possible to reach 20 calories. Rest for the amount of time it takes you to perform those calories. Perform a total of 10 rounds. If your 20 calories becomes 20% slower than your first round, then increase your rest to 1.5x the amount of time it takes you to reach 20 calories. The goal is to complete this in as little time as possible.
Heart Rate: You will need a heart rate monitor and your max heart rate in order to perform this. Bike as fast as possible for 3 minutes. In that time, your heart rate should get up to 90% of your maximum heart rate. Continue to ride at a slow pace after the 3 minutes until your hear rate lowers to below 70% of your max heart rate. Start with 5 intervals and increase by 1-2 interval sessions each week with a max of 10 working intervals.
These are just a few of the many interval options available on the Assault AirBike that are designed to keep your conditioning fun while challenging.
Train hard and train smart!