5 Ways Fitness Studios Should Be Using Social Media


5 Ways Fitness Studios Should Be Using Social Media

Social media is one of the most important marketing channels to stay connected with your studio clients and to engage with new prospective clients.

While it’s tempting to use social media as an advertising outlet for promoting your services and special offers, people will respond much better when you engage them with content that is more personal and reveals more details about your studio.

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1. New Classes and Equipment

Opening a new time slot or discipline? Let everyone know.

This is the type of information that should be posted several times throughout the month in case someone missed it. Are you bringing in new equipment? People will be excited to learn about how it will be incorporated into their studio activities, and this is also a great opportunity to let them know that their money is being put to good use.

2. News About Your Staff

What are your trainers up to these days? Tell your audience about trainers working on new classes or developing new certifications.

If your studio staff is excited about a local race or fitness event, share it with the world, post pictures and give more information. You can also keep this information for other marketing channels such as marketing through your newsletter. Hiring or promoting staff? These are great opportunities to create buzz around the great people who make up your studio.

3. Start a Conversation

When there aren't any announcements or upcoming events, and nothing interesting is happening around the studio or with its people, that is the time to touch on questions and ideas that have been floating around.

Are you thinking of trying something new with one of the classes, changing studio decoration, or putting together a new membership bundle? Share your thoughts with your social media audience and invite the community to chip in with their unique perspectives. You probably will be happy to get ideas you hadn't considered, and your clients will appreciate a chance to be more involved.

5 Ways Fitness Studios Should Be Using Social Media

4. Post Photos

On social media, an image is worth a lot more than a thousand words. People have a much stronger connection with pictures of day-to-day activities than with carefully-crafted marketing messages. So don't be shy to let people know what's happening by taking a quick snapshot of the comings and goings of the studio. Showcase new exercises, or a member having a great day, or a trainer that looks particularly sharp. Almost any reason to post a real in-the-moment picture is worth considering; just make sure to get consent to post from all the people in the shot.

5. Promote Appreciation Days

Are you hosting client appreciation days? Hint: you should. These parties are a great way to connect with your audience on a more personal level and in a different setting than the usual studio routine. The type of event that makes sense for your studio may vary, from family-friendly barbecues to semi-formal evening gatherings. What matters is that you host appreciation days periodically, and make sure to promote this opportunity for people to have a great time and bring their friends and family.

Don't stop at mentioning the event on your social accounts. Use the power of social media to ask people personally to come to the event and bring people with them. The personal touch of a direct request makes all the difference in getting people excited about participating.

Social media is a way to bring people closer. Don't think of it as a posting board for your deals and marketing. Instead, use it to connect with your audience at a personal level. Look for opportunities to show who you are and what your studio does every day.

Author Information

Josh Leve
Josh Leve's picture

Josh Leve is the Founder & CEO of the Association of Fitness Studios (AFS). AFS’ mission is to provide studio owners and entrepreneurial fitness professionals with the platform to effectively start, manage, and grow their businesses. 

With 13,000 members and 60+ industry partnerships, Josh’s success with AFS has translated into being featured in all major fitness publications and is also a featured speaker for events such as Club Industry, NSCA, NASM, Athletic Business, EMPOWER!, and more.

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Joined: 06/06/2016 - 14:12