4 Online Strategies to Turn Leads into Customers
Commercial Fitness
4 Online Strategies to Turn Leads into Customers
It's no secret that technology and the digital age have changed the fitness landscape. Fitness and health information has become streamlined and ubiquitous, and apps, websites, and wearables have turned traditional fitness on its head.
Technology allows fitness professionals to be more in touch with clients through social media and online campaigns, and this type of outreach can result in better retention rates and more revenue.
Online marketing strategies are now mandatory to remain relevant and desirable to customers – here are a few that you can implement to turn more leads into customers.
The following is a summarization of an education session from the 2015 IHRSA Convention, produced with full permission from IHRSA. The full-length video is available for purchase at ihrsastore.com.
About the Speaker
Vito Lafata is a personal brand coach, business educator and a certified high performance coach. He has significantly contributed to IDEA Health, the IHRSA World Conference, the MindBody Conference, and the Australian Fitness Health Expo among others. He is currently the owner of Fitness Profit Systems in Santa Monica, California.
Embrace a Technological Approach
One of the biggest online mistakes companies make is redirecting web traffic to a particular website without having technology in place to collect the data. Without collecting data, there is no way to convert the web traffic into leads. This oversight results in low lead generation and conversion rates, which impact profits. The right approach is to develop a digital strategy that moves people from prospects to customers.
Developing a Customer Value Optimization (CVO) strategy drives traffic to a topical landing page containing a short contact information form. Potential leads are driven to these forms by content pieces relevant to your business and target market. Once you have their contact info, follow up with potential clients identified through the CVO with offers aligned with their interests. A stronger website back end will always equal stronger profits.
A successful online business plan should automate lead generation, program delivery, sales, and basic customer service. Lead generation capability frees up time to invest in other parts of your business. The human element cannot be removed completely from the sales process, but automated CVO can enhance your business success.
Offer Your Customers the Results They Want
One strategy to connect with potential customers is to use a lead magnet. A lead magnet solves a specific problem for a specific market in exchange for opt-in and contact information. Newsletters and free trial offers are not lead magnets. Lead magnet generator templates allow you to produce more content and, in turn, obtain increased revenue.
Be specific in your marketing and tailor your lead magnet content to the type of customers you want to attract. The best lead magnets offer great value to prospects as soon as they opt in. A lead magnet can be a simple nutrition plan aimed at weight loss or a short “cheat sheet” with professional advice on achieving a more toned body. Guides are the most common types of lead magnets. They are short, accessible, and offer valuable information instantly.
A tripwire is an irresistible, super-low ticket offer that converts prospects into buyers. Results-oriented programs such as meal plans, accountability groups and exercises offered free of charge are good tripwires. These build trust and can demonstrate results.
The tripwire leads to your core offer, or your flagship product or service. This can include a 21-day program and fitness package that speaks directly to your target audience. The tripwire brings customers in the door.
Stage small wins through your core offer. Clients usually do not believe in themselves. Strategically demonstrate small wins to encourage a client to continue with your programs. This success improves retention and revenue.
The profit maximizer increases the average value of your customers. This strategy alone can double your sales. Every offer has a back end, which increases immediate average customer value with overall engagement and results. Bundling, upselling at a discount, and other promotions are effective profit maximizers. Create monthly recurring revenue by implementing nutritional products, meal replacements, vitamins and supplement sales into your fitness programs.
Generate recurring revenue by offering at-home workouts through video content or mobile apps and travel workouts designed for your target audience. Facebook groups, daily posts, and updates create an online community, which motivates customers to remain engaged.
You can also build and implement a continuity program that includes nutrition information supported by coaching via video conferencing.
Use Technology and Automation to Engage Clients
You can never go wrong investing in relevant apps. They are easy to obtain and help keep customers motivated. Apps can be an important tool for behavior modification. They enable you to motivate a client to take the actions you want them to take via little periodic notifications reminding them what to do. Your back-end online tools aggregate the data you collect. Use that information to understand customer motivation and compliance to improve your programs. Increase compliance by observing customer behaviors or interests and offering programs that are tailored for them.
On-demand, streaming fitness services create monthly recurring revenue. These services combined with simple notifications should be automated for clients to add value for members.
An automated fitness business funnel turns prospects into customers via automated technology. Design your marketing funnel to target a specific group and map out your offerings. Create content for your funnel, including small offers and programs. Target both non-buyers and return buyers. Increase buyer frequency by creating additional touch points with both previous buyers and non-buyers. Automated email systems and online marketing campaigns follow up and offer specifically tailored programs. More automation of these tasks means less time and money spent.
Grow Your Business By Following Up with Leads
To grow your business, it is imperative to obtain more engaged clients who increase spending by purchasing more and with greater frequency. How can online business marketing strategies make that happen? Simply put, "fortune is in the follow up." For the most part, leads grow cold and customers get lost because of poor processes, human error, and time constraints.
Online automated follow-up strategies can provide support. Your online strategy can create the equivalent of an additional “employee” who is on the clock 24/7 and always follows through, allowing you to never miss a lead and to provide great service to your existing customers.
By implementing a customer value optimization strategy and making use of automated technology, you should be able to collect more leads, tailor pitches to your audience's interests, and ultimately increase your revenue.